The monthly meeting of the West Tennessee Amateur Radio society (WTARS), met at 7 pm at Jackson State Community College on Nov 5, 2009.
The attendees enjoyed seeing other Hams at the meeting and were informed by an interesting presentation by John Smith (K9KA) of Lexington, TN on computer defined radios. He discussed the theory behind this technology and demonstrated the interface between a radio he built from a kit and a laptop computer using free software to tune to and receive radio transmissions.
In other business, election of 2010 WTARS officers was done by acclimation of the slate presented by the nominating committee presented at the October meeting as no additional nominees from the floor were presented.
2010 Officers for The West Tennessee Amateur Radio Society:
G. Michael Winslow (N4GMW) - President
Chris Wary (KD4MPN) - Vice-President
Tom Goodman (AI4DB) - Secretary
Phillip Julian (KD4NVN) - Treasurer
The December meeting will be held on December 3, 2009 and is the year-end Eatin' Meetin' and will be held at Cajun Cookers in Three Way.