Sunday, June 29, 2008

Field Day 2008

Hello Everybody:

Another Field Day has been completed successfully. This was our first experience at a new location in many years. The Jackson Fairgrounds location worked out well with advantages (such as restrooms, air-conditioning and power) outweighing the disadvantages.

The decision to decamp and move inside due to threatening weather was made based on the best information we had at the time, including a call to the National Weather Service in Memphis. The information they provided indicated a threat significant enough to warrant caution. Although late, the heavy rain came and it probably was a good thing we had our equipment under roof. Better weather protection for field deployments is already under discussion.

We were honored to have the Area Wide Amateur Radio Association as our guests at Field Day 2008. They are a great bunch of guys and are welcomed at WTARS anytime. We all have a common goal of furthering and promoting the craft of Amateur Radio.

Our encampment area was very nice and we, at least, learned how to set up and “bug out” as needed. You, once again, proved yourselves worthy the name of “Ham” in your ability to adapt and overcome in unusual situations and still complete your mission of communications.

I would like to thank all who came out and help setup, participate and teardown this weekend. We had a great time, although exhausting, and great fellowship and even managed to play with radios. Although there are many WTARS members who have spent time and effort in the preparation of the Communication Trailer for Field Day, I would like to acknowledge and offer a special thanks to two men who have spent countless hours working on the Communications Trailer that we all enjoy and utilize. These two Hams, Chris Brazzell (KF4WNB) and Chris Wray (KD4MPN) deserve a big hand and a great big THANK YOU!

And again, thanks to each and all for your hard work in making Field Day 2008 a success.

G. Michael Winslow, President