The photos are of my 2004 Harley-Davidson Classic and how I have installed a Yaesu 8800R for use as a Mobile/MC. The 8800R is a perfect radio for this application. The removable control faceplate fits perfectly into the center windshield bag of a triple bag rack, a readily available accessory for most Harleys with faring and windshield.
The body of the 8800R, with the built-in fan for cooling, is mounted in the rear tour-pak with, as you can see, a clasp dog collar. This makes for quick and easy removal if necessary. A separate battery, also in the tour-pak, will be used for the radio to avoid the embarrassing prospect of having to push an 800 pound motorcycle home with
The control cable and external speaker wire was 'snaked' out of the rear tour-pak, under the seat and under the center gas tank panel. The control cable then fished up through the faring under the windshield and up through a hole drilled in the bottom of the center windshield bag. The speaker cable used the same route but instead of coming up under the windshield a small hole in an extra auxiliary toggle switch cover made for a relatively neat install. A 'mono' plug on one en
When not in use, the windshield bags close to protect the 'head' and microphone from the ravages of global warming (aka; normal weather).
All that is left to do is mount the Larsen ground plane antenna and then you will hear me sign as KI4LMZ/MC