WTARS MAY 1, 2008 Minutes
The meeting began at 7:06 p.m. with the reading of the March minutes. Sixteen members and one guest, WA4NIF, Jimmy Owen were present. The meeting began with a slideshow presentation and commentary from Chris Brazzell highlighting the construction phases of the WTARS Emergency Communications trailer. Chris recognized Chris Wray, Robert McLaughn, as well as D.J. for the many hours of donated work. The following upcoming events were announced:
1. May 8—Boy Scouts of
2. May 9-10—set up and communication operations for Relay for Life at the Fairgrounds
3. Ham classes will begin on Tuesday night to help interested operators—every Tuesday night beginning on May 6 and concluding June 10 from
4. June 16—Madison County Commission meeting—proclaim Amateur Radio Week for Field Day
President Winslow introduced a motion that WTARS join the Area Wide Amateur Association (AWARA) —the motion passed unanimously.
Greg Flanagan presented a brief report on the ongoing process of updating the club bylaws.
Randy Bennett provided a repeater update. President Winslow introduced the idea that the club should consider insurance for materials. President Winslow also submitted a motion to allow $500 credit line for Field Day which passed unanimously. President Winslow recommended a motion to authorize $500 for Randy Bennett to allow for emergency repairs. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting concluded with a brief discussion of bylaw changes that the bylaw committee was considering:
1. family membership from $2 to $12 for additional family members—with a grandfather clause for existing members
2. consider changing the fiscal year to begin in August
3. add three "At Large" positions to the Board
4. members would be considered inactive if they haven’t paid dues for 3 months
The meeting adjourned at
Meeting notes prepared by club secretary Lee Stanfill, KI4UXR