As President of WTARS, I attended the May meeting of the Area Wide Amateur Radio Association last night (May 19th) in Trenton, TN. I brought greetings from WTARS and our offer of support and cooperation in all things Ham Radio.
As we voted at our last meeting, on behalf of WTARS, I joined AWARA and they, in turn, voted to join WTARS as an 'associate club' member. I officially extended our offer for them to participate in our 50th Anniversary Field Day activities June 28-30 at Jackson Fairgrounds Park. They voted unanimously to accept the invitation. They will set a Club table with us and will have a ARRL table also.
So, please join me in welcoming AWARA as a 'sister' club and into the World of Amateur Radio.
Many thanks to AWARA President Carl - KI4PCW and the members of AWARA for their hospitality and welcome.
G. Michael Winslow, President