Saturday, August 2, 2008

AED / CPR Class

The West Tennessee Amateur Radio Society and the Jackson-Madison County Emergency Management Agency co-sponsored and presented a training session on the use of the Automatic External Defibrillator and the CPR techniques recommended by the American Heart Association.

The class was held at Grace United Methodist Church on McClellan Rd and was attended by 18 participants from the Jackson-Madison County area. Instructors for the class were Phillip Julian - KG4NVN and Marty Clements - KI4EIV. They did a great job in presenting the material and tutoring all participants in the life-saving techniques of CPR and the use of the the AED.

I would also like to offer our many thanks to Grace United Methodist Church for the use of their facilities and Jackson State Community College for the use of the CPR training mannequins.

If there is enough interest in another class for those who would have liked to take this one but were unable to today, we will start taking names and when enough have signed up, another class can be scheduled. If you are interested in attending an AED / CPR class please drop me an email at:

Mike Winslow - N4GMW