Several members of The West Tennessee Amateur Radio Society made the trek to Hunstville, AL on the annual pilgrimage to see all the new toys and prove the old axiom that one man's junk is another man's treasure.
Phillip Julian - KG4NVN, Marty Amick - KJ4CVU, Jimmy Owen - WA4NIF and myself, Mike Winslow - N4GMW departed Jackson, Tennessee this morning at the crack of dark; fully fueled on petro and caffeine. Phillip and I traveled in one vehicle and Marty and Jimmy in another. Of course, we lost them about halfway to Huntsville and did not recover them until they emerged from the parking garage at the Von Braun Center, no worse for the wear.
Kenny Johns - AB4EG, Scott Pearce - KD4OZT, Clay Dungey- W8JVV, Greg Flanagan - KE4FTA, Wayne Murley - WA4BJY, Forrest Myers - AG4ND were spotted prowling the hunting grounds inside the exhibit center.
Above are some photos fromt the day so far. A few of us will probably meet up later and go out to dinner and maybe an adult beverage or two!!!
GMWinslow - N4GMW