Wayne Murley - WA4BJY - brought an article from World Radio Magazine to the WTARS August Meeting. This article was written by John B. Johnson - W3BE- in the 'Rules & Regs' feature addressing interpretation questions relating to FCC part 97. I will, in this space, reprint some of these, from time to time, for your pondering and information. Good topics for discussion during rag chew sessions:
Question: I have an Amateur Extra Class license. A lower class license holder is visiting my station. If I am sitting right next to him, is he allowed to operate as an Amateur Extra?
Answer: No. As the station licensee, you would have, under Section 97.103(b), designated a lower-than-your class operator of your station. Consult Section 97.301 for the privileges authorized to the class of operator licese grant held by your station's visitor. There you will find the transmitting frequence bands available to an amateur station located within 50km of the earth's surface, within the specified ITU Region, and outside any area where the amateur service is regulated by any authority other than the FCC. Where you happen to be sitting is of no consequence to any of this.