In response to the "FCC Questions" segments, Jimmy Floyd - NQ4U - from MTARS contributed the following:
(Thanks Jimmy for participating in the discussion. 73, to all in MTARS)
This is good thought.............
Here is some material from the ARRL website FAQ. These pertain to FD but can be applied in everyday operating.
Q. Can KA1UFZ, a Novice, operate the station of N1KB, an Extra Class operator, during Field Day? Can she operate in the Extra Class segment even though she holds a Novice class license?
A. The answer is "yes" to both of these questions, but a control operator must be on duty whenever she operates outside of her Novice class privileges using the call of N1KB. FCC rules state that "A control operator must ensure the immediate proper operation of the station..." (97.105(a)). The rules go on to say, "A station may only be operated in the manner and to the extent permitted by the privileges authorized for the class of operator license held by the control operator" (97.105(b)).
Q. I am an Extra Class licensee, but I am going to use a Novice class operator's station and call sign during Field Day. Can I legally operate her station and use her call outside the Novice subbands?
A. You, the Extra, can be designated as the control operator. If you are authorized by the licensee, you may use the call sign of the Novice class licensee and operate only within the Novice class privileges. However, if an Extra Class control operator wants to operate outside the Novice class operator privileges, he may do so, but he must identify by appending his call to that of the Novice, such as signing "KA1UFZ/N1KB" on CW or separating the calls by the word "stroke" on Phone (97.105(a) and (b), 97.119(d)). True, this is a long identification procedure, but it is the only way to identify in this case. Why would an Extra want to use a Novice call, you ask. Well, that may not always be the case, but it clearly illustrates the point.